Coaching – Live fully! - The Hero's Academy

So you have decided. You want to hire a  to improve your life. Congratulations! Because for many people, it is not easy to ask for help. Then the question arises – how do I find a coach? 

The recommendation

Do you know someone around you who has already used a coach? If so, ask them if he/she would recommend the coach they're working with. If the answer is positive, you might have a potential candidate! Maybe your family knows of a good coach too. Ask around in your close circle first to see, as this is a great way to connect.

The professional meeting

During your personal or professional meetings, maybe have you've met a coach? Did you have a good feeling? If yes, contact them. If life has put a coach on your path, it may be a message … or not! It's all up to you!

Coaching associations

There are several associations that have large databases of professional coaches.


It is also possible to find a coach online. Simply use a search engine. Some coaches may also have a blog.

How to find a coach: the selection phase

Any process starts with a discussion firstly with the coach. This is an opportunity to ask him or her questions and to feel how the connection resonates with you.

Keep in mind that maybe the “best coach” won't fit you. The challenge is to find a coach who appeals to you personally. To help you make this selection, here is a checklist.

Rational criteria

You can firstly base yourself on objective criteria.

Is the coach certified? The coaching profession is not yet regulated. Everyone can call themselves a coach. This is why serious coaching always gives certification attesting to the coach's coaching abilities.

Which frames of reference does the coach use? Be wary of the coach who tells you of his “coaching intuition”. Intuition is useful but insufficient in of itself. The coach must be able to justify the methodological and tools he or she uses. Some examples of important skills: NLP, transactional analysis, systemic, Schutz's human element, nonviolent communication. A coach without a frame of reference is more of a  guru!

How much does the coach charge? He must tell you that clearly. The price of a 1-hour session of coaching varies between £150 and £200 on average for an individual. Between £200 and £300 per hour in a professional context (manager or manager).

Do you prefer face-to-face or distance coaching? Face to face is the ideal situation for coaching. Nevertheless, there's also the opportunity to do distance coaching if you live far away from your preferred coach.

Irrational criteria

Many irrational elements influence your decision. Your feelings are key indicators!

Are you more comfortable with a man or a woman as a coach? Ask yourself the question sincerely.

Are you confident with this coach? When you met or heard him or her on the phone, did you feel a connection? Trust also is a key element in the relationship with your coach and for achieving your coaching goals.

Do you feel good with them? The question is simple but not necessarily easy to answer. Are you comfortable talking to them openly about your life?

In conclusion

Finding a coach is as delicate as finding a therapist. It's all about choosing the coach that suits you. The quality of the relationship with them will probably prevail over all the rational elements. So listen to your heart rather than your head!

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