Life Coach – Move Towards Solutions - The Hero's Academy

Life Coach – Move Towards Solutions

A life coach is defined as a successful partner. It allows you to face a situation that seems difficult during a period of change or crisis, guiding and accompanying you. It is a helping relationship through personalised individual support based on listening and questioning. is moving towards solutions rather than focusing on the problems. The goal of is to achieve a defined goal. It is not necessary to have big plans to call a coach, the goal can simply be to achieve a certain well-being, to feel aligned with oneself. Through coaching, the person deepens their self-awareness and improves performances. They then become able to find solutions to their problems and can regain control of her life.

Who are the sessions for?

As a personal development tool, the coaching sessions are aimed at adults as well as adolescents who want to regain their self-confidence, change their lives and achieve their goals. It is for anyone who feels the need to to be supported and accompanied at a pivotal moment in his life. Through active listening and powerful questioning, coaching allows you to become aware of your and redefine your priorities. It is a question of offering a personal lighting of one's needs by regaining self-confidence and learning to know oneself. The person coached will thus be able to determine their own priorities, objectives and potentialities and to face their future more serenely.
You have to go beyond and solve your difficulties alone with a common goal: YOUR fulfilment and YOUR personal success. Happiness is a treasure we ALL have the right to!

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