Why life coaching? - The Hero's Academy

Why life coaching?

First of all, life coaching requires a personal commitment on the part of the coached, he must agree to make in his life. If this commitment is not respected, the results of coaching can be compromised.

In general, an individual may decide to call on a life coach for the following reasons:

He wants to go forward
He wants to welcome a change with serenity
Change your beliefs
Change your behavior
During a period of confusion
Undertake a complex situation
Solve difficulties
Find motivation to achieve a specific goal
Prepare an interview or meeting
Set life goals
Realise his dreams
When feeling dissatisfied with your life/feeling of well being

The reasons for life coaching requests

Life Coaching is for anyone who wants to be accompanied for a change in their life, be it an adult, parents, teenager, child, couple, student, retiree, employee or a business leader.

Here are some reasons for life coaching requests. They may be professional or on one's personal life:

Mourning, divorce, separation
Have self-confidence and
Higher or lower motivation
Addressing a difficult childhood or adolescence, a family conflict
Achieving personal goals
Bad relationships at work
Decisions to take
Social phobia, shyness, conflict,
Performance to be achieved
Reach a state of happiness
Face his fear of success, overcome failures
Bad management of stress
Management of novelties, changes to integrate
Evolution or career change
Retirement, dismissal

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